Proposals are due December 1, 2025 for 2026 awards to be announced in early January with immediate funding to follow. Up to two proposals per institution will be considered, in the range of $1500-3500 per project budget. Proposals must be officially submitted through their institution's office of grant and foundation relations. Not more than one award will be made to each college annually. Submit full proposals to
Proposals should include a narrative, budget, CVs of key staff, and other relevant appendices. The narrative section should be no longer than 15 pages (double spaced). College matching funds are encouraged and should be listed in the budget. Awards will not cover costs of travel, food, association/conference registrations, equipment purchase, faculty salary/benefits or overhead and indirect costs, given the project activity focus of this grant. Student pay costs are acceptable. Previously awarded project leads may apply again after 5 years.
The following narrative sections should be included, with consideration to the allotted scoring points (100 total):
Background (25 points) - context of need for the project; research and institutional activities that have lead to this point; project purpose; emphasize how this project is innovative
Project Design (30 points) - describe the proposed project in detail; include expected key activities and milestones
Implementation Plan (25 points) - include a project timeline; identify staff persons responsible for key implementation components and their qualifications
Monitoring and Evaluation (10 points) - describe planned efforts to monitor project progress, feedback loops, and changing direction if needed; if formal evaluation is planned, describe details
Sustainability and Next Steps (10 points) - describe current thoughts about next steps following the project, including additional external funding or institutional sustainability and dissemination of the project or project findings as applicable
All submissions and questions should be directed to:
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